Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Botanical Color 101

    2. Creating Your Swatches

    3. Paint Palette Set Up

    4. Creating a Swatch Booklet

    1. Lemon Yellow & New Gamboge

    2. Permanent Yellow Orange & Raw Sienna

    3. Scarlet Lake & Pyrrol Red

    4. Permanent Alizarin Crimson & Quinacridone Rose

    5. Quinacridone Magenta & Opera

    6. Wisteria & Bright Violet

    7. Permanent Violet & Moonglow

    8. Cerulean & Cobalt Blue

    9. French Ultramarine Blue & Cobalt Green

    10. Olive Green & Sap Green

    11. Undersea Green & Shadow Green

    12. Light Red & Burnt Umber

    13. Neutral Tint & Titanium White

    1. Setting Up Your Color Matching Notes

    2. Calypso Orchid Part 1 | Color Matching

    3. Calypso Orchid Part 2 | Color Matching

    4. Chocolate Lily | Color Matching

About this course

  • $65.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content