Discover a system you can apply to any botanical painting!

with Laura's 3-step painting method, overcome the overwhelm and finally achieve your watercolor goals!

Click here for a preview of the holly painting process

What you will learn in this course

Finally access resources, and lessons all in one place that will help you become a confident botanical painter!

  • Master the Laura's 3-step painting method so that you can create beautiful botanical paintings with confidence.

  • Learn about all the materials and paints that Laura uses specifically for botanical painting.

  • Get detailed instruction on how to paint holly and gain skills that can be applied to other botanical paintings.

Buy Once for Unlimited Access

By purchasing this course now will give you unlimited access to it, with no re-occurring fees!

Course curriculum

    1. Materials & Color

    2. Introduction to the 3-Step Painting Method

    1. Introduction

    2. Project Reference Files

    3. Color Mixing

    4. Step 1 | Leaves

    5. Step 1 | Berries

    6. Step 2 | Leaves

    7. Step 3 | Leaves | Midribs and Edges

    8. Step 3 | Leaves| Creating Shape and Form

    9. Step 3 | Leaves | Adding Shape and Form continued

    10. Step 3 | Leaves | Final Detail

    11. Step 3 | Stem

    12. Step 3 | Berries

    13. Final Thoughts

About this course

  • $65.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Bonus Material

In addition to the full-length holly video lessons you will also receive the following

  • Printable Reference Files

    Access a line drawing for the holly project, a reference photo, and photo of the finished project to help you along with your project!

  • Materials and Paint Information

    Access a materials list and video, as well as paint pigment information from three major brands and see how Laura puts her paint palette together.

  • Practice the 3-Step Painting Method

    Along with all the other bonus material and the full length holly course you will also receive a quick video lesson on the 3-step painting method. Learn how to practice it with a simple project.

Buy Once for Unlimited Access

By purchasing this course now will give you unlimited access to it, with no re-occurring fees!


  • How long will I have access to the course material?

    Purchasing this course now, as a stand alone course will give you unlimited access to the course. Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.

  • Is the video footage sped up like the preview video?

    No, most of the footage is real time with voice over instruction. Some segments that show the same process repeated are sped up to 2 x speed with music, but only after the process has already been covered in real time and explained by Laura.

  • Do I need all of the exact same supplies as Laura?

    No, though you do need good quality supplies to get similar results. The most important thing is good quality paper, and brushes. It is not as important to have the exact same paint colors, just use what you have that is the most similar to what Laura uses.

Learn Watercolors with Laura

Botanical Artist | Founder Laura Watson

Laura Watson is a botanical artist from Vancouver Island, Canada. Her love for plants started at an early age and carried through in her watercolour botanical portraits and teaching today. Laura has a diploma with distinction from the London Art College in Botanical Painting, as well as a diploma from the U.K. Society of Botanical Artists (SBA) in Botanical Painting. In 2015 she was accepted into the Botanical Artists of Canada (BAC).

Buy Once for Unlimited Access

By purchasing this course now will give you unlimited access to it, with no re-occurring fees!